The Blog of Babel

This site sits on the crossroads of Languages, Linguistics, Social Media Market Engagement, Marketing Strategy, Innovation Strategy, Creativity Theory, Ancient Mythology & Egyptology. Its a very small crossroads in the middle of cyberspace - so stay for a while - pull up a chair and coffee. 

Brand as Religion: Pioneering Examples in Brand Engagement

If brand were a religion, than these pieces would be the great works used to convert and inspire. These would be the cathedrals, artwork and idols created in pursuit of a higher purpose.

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How Marketers Manipulate You Without Your Knowing | Psychology Today

For example, a leading beverage company created a sound when opening the can (My guess is Snapple) that was subtly different from other cans to trigger a unique craving for their brand’s drink. The manufacturer redesigned the can to create a differentiating snapping sound, a branded cue of delicious anticipation. They then recorded the sound in a studio and incorporated it into advertising. The manufacturer would play the sound at major concerts and sporting events, seeing an instant uptick in sales for their brand when they did so. Yet when consumers were asked why they suddenly choose that particular beverage over another they would say things like “I haven’t the faintest idea, I just fell for it.” 

We all know that science has entered the age of the brain, and it's now a rush to understand how to read, predict and ultimately influence the brain's neurological systems - but I don't know how to react yet to the marketing tactic above. Perhaps this is also due to the argument that the sciences advance at way too quick of a pace for law or morality to catch up with them.

As the science of persuasion marches deep into the depths of the mind, I worry that marketers will really no longer appeal to our free will and our own natural, individual autonomous decision making processes (which is already a hard thing to argue in itself). No doubt subconscious tactics are used now a days in marketing to drive sales and brand awareness - but what will the future of this look like? 

Regardless - this book looks like a very good read! It's on my booklist now.